May 25, 2022

This past winter has been strange, it kept getting warm and cold and warm and cold and everything was super super slippery.  My knee is kinda wonky and then i slipped on the ice and did something to my hamstring and so i mostly walked inside to prevent further injury.  Now that the ice is gone i gotta get back into the habit of going out more.  
This was my first walk over across the river this year and i saw some neat things.  First off when i was down the hill over by where all the sarsaparilla is i saw a snake!  I've never seen a snake here before so that was really neat..   i kinda got a picture of it and i guess it's a grater snake.
garter snake

Down across the river things were still pretty barren but there was a bit of green.

The beaked hazelnuts were in bloom.

beaked hazelnut

beaked hazelnut

beaked hazelnut

beaked hazelnut

beaked hazelnut

i came across something interesting though, a little flock of bohemian waxwings all foraging around on the ground, i could just barely see them through the bushes..  there was also some woodpeckers too.

i saw some filed pennycress too, so 2 flowers!
field pennycress

field pennycress

field pennycress

and the poplar buds were starting to open.. 




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