may 24, 2021 walk part 1


i found an area with some of this yellow flower..  i am not sure what it is, though i've seen it before..  it was on the side of a hill and i didnt want to fall down there so this is the best i got

i believe this is american black currant

creeping charlie

a random buckey .. pretty leaves

i found a rather large patch of this..  whatever it is..  in some bush..  i'll have to try to keep an eye on it and maybe find out what it is later on

twinning honeysuckle


a patch of star flowered solomon's seal

i found a rather large patch of lily of the valley (not wild) along side another big patch of this leafy ground cover stuff..  i forget what it's called but i have some in my yard and dug a bunch of the roots out this year.  this area must have been a yard at some time cause there's some little stone walls there, but now it is completely overgrown 

pretty apple tree hiding in the bushes..  the apple trees are so full of flowers this year!

canadian violet


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